Monday, April 6, 2015

Dream Vacation Rubric

Name: ______________________________Date_______________Period: 

Dream Vacation Rubric

Point Value
Points Earned
Destination Given
2 pts.
Car Give
2 pts.
Miles/ Gallon Given
2 pts.
Cost of Gasoline for entire vacation
10 pts.
Cost of Lodging Broken Down Per Night
10 pts.
Applicable Sales Tax
5 pts.
20% Tips When Applicable
(at least 3 times)
Cost of Three Meals/Day for
All Days
10 pts.
Activities Listed (at least 3)
10 pts.
Spent at least $6,500
5 pts.
Completed Daily
Planning Guides
10 pts.
Completed Vacation
Planning Chart
10 pts.
Completed Project
On Time
10 pts.
Completed Essay
10 pts.

____________ points/101 points